We received several inquiries recently about the house league schedule.
Here is the best guess for the schedule (please understand that some details may change based on enrolment numbers).
Huntsville - all events at McCulley Robertson Diamonds
Opening Day - Saturday May 19
Game Schedule
Every Wednesday - 530 B Ball, Rookie and Mosquito and 630 pm for Peewee-Bantam
Friday nights until end of June - times TBA - age specific groupings
Opening Day - Sunday May 20 - Gull Lake Diamonds
Game Schedule
Every Wednesday - Gull Lake - B Ball and Rookie Ball - 530 pm onward
Every Thursday - Gull Lake - Mosquito 530 pm onward
Every Thursday - Wharf Diamond - Peewee-Bantam 530 pm onward.
note: all GV players are welcome to join the Friday night practices in Huntsville for extra skill development
Please contact Peter Haynes at muskokahornets@rogers.com if you have any questions.
Yours In Baseball