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House League Schedule - Huntsville and Gravenhurst

By Admin, 03/20/18, 4:30PM EDT


We received several inquiries recently about the house league schedule.  

Here is the best guess for the schedule (please understand that some details may change based on enrolment numbers).

Huntsville - all events at McCulley Robertson Diamonds

Opening Day - Saturday May 19 

Game Schedule 

Every Wednesday - 530 B Ball, Rookie and Mosquito and 630 pm for Peewee-Bantam


Friday nights until end of June - times TBA - age specific groupings


Opening Day - Sunday May 20 - Gull Lake Diamonds

Game Schedule

Every Wednesday - Gull Lake - B Ball and Rookie Ball - 530 pm onward

Every Thursday - Gull Lake - Mosquito 530 pm onward

Every Thursday - Wharf Diamond - Peewee-Bantam 530 pm onward.

note: all GV players are welcome to join the Friday night practices in Huntsville for extra skill development

Please contact Peter Haynes at if you have any questions.

Yours In Baseball